Can I get a loan on Universal Credit?

Have you ever wondered if you’re eligible for a loan if you receive Universal Credit or other types of benefits?. Perhaps you have an emergency expense, or your budget isn’t quite stretching far enough for a one-off purchase, in this case there are a few options open to you. Money and Debt Advice Services First […]

Can’t afford Christmas?

Most people say they will spend less on Christmas this year as the current economic situation means the cost-of-living crisis makes Christmas 2022 just as unpredictable as a COVID Christmas. But don’t go cold turkey just yet! We’ve shared 5 of our top tips to help reduce the financial stress of the holiday season: Work […]

The cost of living crisis

When prices are soaring, we tend to look for ways to ease the squeeze. But what if you don’t understand the rising cost of living and what it really means? We decipher what the biggest price hike for fifty years is all about and give you some top tips to help avoid excessive bills. To […]

How to throw a birthday bash on a budget

Birthdays are joyful milestones to celebrate, but they can also be a major source of overspending and financial worry. Splashing the cash doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s more fun to be had. In fact, there are lots of ways you can throw a great party without breaking the bank. Once you get out of the […]

5 biggest myths about Doorstep Loans

With so many types of loan available, it can be hard to differentiate between them. Assumptions and word of mouth can generate a lot of misinformation, and with consumers not really knowing the facts, they can end up making ill-informed decisions on their financial borrowings. Knowing the facts are important and will help you decide […]

Keep down the cost of your holiday

When it comes to holidays, we can all get a little carried away! We love treating ourselves; but where do we draw the line? The drinks may be free flowing, but unless you’re one of the fortunate few, your cash probably isn’t. So, to keep your costs under control, we’ve shared some of our top […]

And the winner is …..

It’s awards season, and we’re delighted to have scooped our first win at the Worldwide Finance Awards for ‘Best Regional Independent Home Credit Company (Northern Ireland).’ The awards, in association with Acquisition International, celebrate businesses who work tirelessly to make the finance industry the powerhouse of industry it is. It’s thanks to our great team […]

10 lessons to save money on food

According to reports, the average household spends a staggering £5000 on their groceries each year and throws away a shocking £60 per month of this food! If you’re looking to ease the squeeze and lower the cost of your supermarket shop, we’ve thrown a few top tips together to help you spend less on food […]

Loans, interest rates and APR

In simple terms, the cost of borrowing money is known as interest. Therefore, when you take out a loan, the money you pay back in addition to the initial amount you lent, is the interest. Interest rates are generally expressed as a percentage of the initial loan and can differ depending on the lender, the […]

Challenges to help grow your piggy bank

Need to supercharge your savings? Filling your savings account doesn’t have to be for something to buy, you can also fill your emergency fund, or reach a certain savings goal. Whatever it is you want to save for, a money saving challenge can help get you there! Sometimes the sheer act of doing a challenge […]